FAQ Ordering Questions

What's the status of my order?

Orders take approximately 10-12 weeks to produce. This timeline begins when all individual orders for a team have been submitted, and have been approved by the team contact.

Why do I have to wait for the rest of the team to order?

Our manufacturing process is most efficient when all rings of the same design pass through production together. It’s our way of being able to provide superior quality control and costing of each production run.

Why doesn't my ring ship directly to me?

We ship an entire lot of rings to one address when completed, which ultimately saves everyone extra shipping costs. It also avoids some team members getting their rings before others.

Why did I receive my apparel, but not my ring?

Our partner facilities have different production times than we do at Baron®. When their product is complete, we want you to have it as soon as possible. Aside from apparel, all items will ship with the team order at a later date.

Who is my team contact and what is their role?

Your team contact is likely a coach, manager, or a volunteer from the team who serves as the liaison with our staff at Baron®. They are likely the ones who would have sent you the link to the online locker room. Moving forward your Locker Room liaison is designated to provide assistance, and answer questions you may have. If there are questions they don’t immediately have the answer to, they will contact us at Baron® to resolve.

What is my order number?

Your order number is found in your confirmation email. It is listed as #CAN1234 or #USA1234.

Can I change my shipping address?

There is no need to change your shipping address if your order is shipping with a team. However, if you have an apparel item shipping directly to you, please contact store@baronrings.com to update your shipping address. Please provide your order number for reference.

How can I make a change to my order?

If you’d like to make a change or modify a detail on your order, please contact store@baronrings.com with your order number and requested change. You will receive a confirmation email when the change is made.

How do I pay the balance of my order? When is my balance due?

  1. Return to the Online Locker Room where you placed your order.
  2. Select the “Balance” option of the ring that you purchased.
  3. Enter your original order number and name the order was placed under.
  4. Proceed with payment as per usual.

Sizes And Metal Type

How do I determine my ring finger size?

Your finger size is the size of the hole that your slip your finger into when you wear the ring. While you can find out your finger size yourself we strongly recommend that you get your finger sized at your local jewelry store before you purchase your ring.

What is ring size?

The total size of the ring. It is not your finger size. Not all ring sizes are available for all finger sizes. All measurements are in millimeters. 

What is Durilium?

Finest non-precious metal ever developed. Metal has a rich platinum-white silver finish, resists scratches, will not tarnish, and has strong durability.

What is Golden Durilium?

Yellow gold coating applied to our precious metal producing a yellow gold polish look that is strong and durable.

What is 10KT Gold?

It is a very strong and durable metal that is very valuable. 41.6% pure gold.

What is Obsidian Durilium?

Jewellery innovation introduced in 2016, using diamond-like black coating creating a rich, high definition polish look.

Lab-Grown Diamonds and Natural Diamonds

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-Grown diamonds, often referred to as lab diamonds, cultured diamonds, or engineered diamonds, are meticulously crafted in a laboratory, replicating the exact conditions of high heat and pressure found in the natural diamond formation process deep within the Earth. In terms of their characteristics and attributes, lab-created diamonds exhibit no discernible distinctions when compared to their naturally occurring counterparts.

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Real?

Certainly, lab-grown diamonds are entirely genuine. They possess an identical crystal structure and carbon atom composition as their naturally occurring counterparts found in mines. These lab-grown diamonds originate from a tiny diamond seed and are nurtured into rough diamonds, which are subsequently shaped and polished to the desired form before becoming available for acquisition. This method represents the optimal approach for acquiring a superior gemstone to embellish your engagement ring, one that is not only cost-effective but also ethically sourced.

How Are Lab-Created Diamonds Made?

Diamonds, discovered worldwide, have their origins millions of years ago within the Earth’s crust, renowned for their remarkable hardness. These precious gems emerged as carbon atoms transformed into exquisite, crystal-clear diamonds under the immense pressure and extreme heat beneath the Earth’s surface.

In laboratories, the creation of diamonds replicates the natural conditions found within the Earth’s crust using cutting-edge technology, involving high pressure and high temperature. This is accomplished through two primary methods: chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT). Lab-grown diamonds of gem-quality share the same carbon atoms and crystal structure as their naturally occurring counterparts. Moreover, they undergo the identical diamond grading process, certifying their authenticity as genuine diamonds.

In the present era, technology empowers us to produce lab-grown diamonds, free from the environmental and ethical concerns associated with mined diamonds. You can rest assured that your lab-grown diamond ring hasn’t contributed to the labour abuses prevalent in diamond mines, providing peace of mind regarding its origin.

What Is The Difference Between Lab Grown Diamonds And Natural Diamonds?

The sole differentiation between mined diamonds and lab-grown counterparts lies in their source of origin. Mined diamonds originate naturally from deep within the Earth’s crust, whereas humans meticulously manufacture lab-grown diamonds within a tightly controlled laboratory setting. Despite their artificial creation, lab-grown diamonds maintain their status as authentic diamonds, radiating the same brilliance and lustre as their naturally mined counterparts. Mined diamonds are associated with environmental pollution and the disruption of local ecosystems. Moreover, the mining of natural diamonds bears the risk of yielding conflict diamonds. In contrast, opting for lab-created diamonds guarantees a 100% conflict-free assurance.

What Are The Ethical Concerns Regarding Mined Diamonds?

Diamond mining presents a significant ethical concern, chiefly revolving around the exploitation of labour. Miners, particularly those in developing nations, frequently endure low wages and labour in perilous conditions. An IMPACT report highlights the unjust acquisition of farmers’ land by mining companies, often without fair compensation. While some argue that diamond mining injects much-needed economic support into these regions, the adverse consequences associated with its sourcing cast doubt on whether it truly benefits these communities.

Environmental Consequences of Diamond Mines

The environmental impact of large-scale mining operations is profound. Widespread deforestation leads to various problems related to climate change, such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and desertification. Additionally, residual mining materials react with oxygen in the atmosphere, resulting in acid mine drainage. This chemical process generates sulfuric acid, which contaminates water sources and damages the soil, ultimately leading to reduced crop yields.

Ramifications of Purchasing Conflict Diamonds

Diamonds obtained from conflict zones or used to fund armed conflicts are commonly referred to as blood diamonds. The trade-in blood diamonds only exacerbates human suffering and protracts violent conflicts in these regions. The global community has long condemned the trade in blood diamonds. As a result, the Kimberley Process Certification System was established in the early 2000s to curb the circulation of conflict diamonds.

3 Easy Steps On Find Your Finger Size At Home

To help measure your ring size at home, our jewellery experts have created a complete ring size guide including a ring size chart, printable paper sizing kit, string size chart and tips for measuring at home. Please click below to download Baron®’s Home Ring Sizing Kit.

Vector black and gold ring, ring sizing kit, ring size chart, ring size, how to measure ring size, how to determine ring size


Vector gold and black paper and ruler, how to figure out ring size, how to find sing size, how to know your ring size, ring size in inches


Vector gold and black paper and ruler, how to figure out ring size, how to find sing size, how to know your ring size, ring size in inches


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